So long sweet Summer 2019

2018 Personal Highlights

Back in the heady days of 2012 I wrote an end of year summary about my own personal highlights. Come January 31st a slew of ’round up articles’ can be found in the media reminding us of the year that was ~ When Brexit took over every news show, Who wore what to the Royal […]
Austin, Texas BABY

There were two different reactions when I told people I was heading to Austin, Texas as part of my six week 40th birthday extravaganza road trip. There were those who knew and there were those who didn’t. Those who had never heard of the place or didn’t know the greatness of Austin gave a blank […]
A real Southern Belle

The first thing that hits you about the coastal town of Savannah, Georgia is the heat. It’s a sultry, sexy kind of heat. It caresses you and slows you down to a languid pace of life that can’t help but make you smile. A leisurely, knowing smile that means you’re just going to take it […]
Santa Cruz stole my heart

I’d only ever heard of Santa Cruz in passing. Just on the peripheries of conversations. I’d googled where was the best place to surf on the West Coast of America and it had popped up here and there. I didn’t pay it much attention but as I reached San Francisco and asked for West Coast […]
New Blood

I’m bored with my friends. WHAT!?!! GUYS!!!! Come on…as if that statement could be true. You’re the only ones who have supported my average to marginally above average work for the past 18 years. No, what I mean by that provocative and attention grabbing sentence is that I want to see other people. She’s all […]

My love for New York City knows no bounds. It is such a strong love that I wonder if it will ever fade and I will tire of constantly dreaming of this crazy, harsh metropolis. If I will one day announce that somewhere else is to be my favourite place on earth and I will […]