What am I actually looking at?

Last week my friend Phil pulled out his phone and it made me gasp. Gasp I tell you! Where had he purchased this beast from? How was he managing to use it? Was I jealous or was I impressed? The phone in question was a Nokia 3310. ‘But the most recent one’ He later informed […]
Let’s all take a break

Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer of Broad City I’m […]
Same Old Same Old

{Top L-R ~ Walk of shame Moscow, Rennes, JacquesMus, Caron Callahan. Bottom L-R ~ Simone Rocha, Caron Carahan, Rejina Pyo, Rachel Comey} I recently executed an enormous Instagram cull and un followed about 400 people. Big news I know but this needs to be discussed. Like the majority of the world I found I […]
Creating void

Recently I superglued two orange pom poms onto a pair of shoes. A couple of months later I hand sewed a grey pom pom onto a woolly hat. I used to do this sort of thing all the time. Rework a dress into a skirt, make a bag, write a comedy play, film a short […]
long lost love letter

I’ve accidently become someone I didn’t want to be, No, not Claire from Steps but a time waster. I told myself that I would be the type who would fill every day with something creative. I wouldn’t own a TV and while away hours with reality programmes. I wouldn’t spend days on the internet or […]
dudes and chicks
I hate my iphone but I also love it…a lot. I hate it because I never put the bloody thing down. I read less, look out the window less, get less work done. But I love it because I get to hear about things that I wouldn’t necessarily read about or stumble across on MSN news. […]