A simple life
{CC & Me. NYC. My 39th birthday} Since he went into the jungle, in 2016, I have thought about Joel Dommett probably once every couple of months. There’s the obvious reasons ~ He’s easy on the eye. He owns an extremely enviable set of […]
Isolation Creations
There is a Christmas wreath making workshop I went to, some years ago now, that I think about probably once a month. Run by a friend and along with three other friends we went in the hope of catching up with each other. We also thought we’d be […]
Quarantine Chic
How green is your catwalk? How sustainable is your vision? How circular is your economy? These were the questions Vogue found dominating the Spring 2020 catwalks back in October 2019. They were legitimate questions and ones that once again will need answering. But not right now. Time, like fashion, changes quickly and these questions are […]
Feeling out of touch
{Group Hug with loves: Sister With Massive Laugh, myself, Alison and Tina in NYC. 2012} I am a pervert. Or a politician. Depends on how you look at it. Basically I like to touch people. All the time. ‘Hands on Donovan’ is a moniker that’s…well, it’s […]
Hair today, Gone tomorrow
Make me bald. Seriously. All of me. Make every last inch of my body hairless so that I resemble a slippery seal. In fact, make everyone bald. Life would just be so much easier if none of us had hair. Anywhere. From where I am lying in my bed I can see a long strand […]
Time to pipe down and start doing something
{Joaquin Phoenix receiving the BAFTA for Best Male Actor} I forlornly sat at a friends kitchen table and told her I had come to the realisation that women will never be equal in my lifetime. ‘Oh God, get used to it’ she replied bluntly ‘I worked that out ages ago’ The conversation took place around […]
No nuptials necessary
Phoebe Luckhursts recent article, for the Evening Standard, questioned whether the classic Rom-Com had died a slow and saccharine death right before our very eyes. I am not ashamed to say that I have long been a fan of the Rom-Com. Predictable and dependable, there is nothing taxing on the brain when sitting through 2 hours of […]
Darkest before the dawn
In the words of 80’s ballad badass, Michael Bolton ~ ‘There’s a light. A certain kind of light. That never shone on me. I want my life to be lived with you’ This classic housewife-wet-knicker-inducing tune floats around my head continuously at the moment. The reason is not a new found love of the long haired […]
So long sweet Summer 2019
What am I actually looking at?
Last week my friend Phil pulled out his phone and it made me gasp. Gasp I tell you! Where had he purchased this beast from? How was he managing to use it? Was I jealous or was I impressed? The phone in question was a Nokia 3310. ‘But the most recent one’ He later informed […]