Time to pipe down and start doing something

{Joaquin Phoenix receiving the BAFTA for Best Male Actor} I forlornly sat at a friends kitchen table and told her I had come to the realisation that women will never be equal in my lifetime. ‘Oh God, get used to it’ she replied bluntly ‘I worked that out ages ago’ The conversation took place around […]
Let’s all take a break

Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer of Broad City I’m […]

This year I noticed a lot of hate towards making New Year’s resolutions. There seemed to be a defensiveness from those who either don’t believe in them or those who can’t cope with the pressure of not fulfilling them. #differentyearsameme popped up a lot on the ruler of our 21st century lives ~ Instagram. #damnyouyousoulsuckingtimewaster. […]
The warm glow of Glow

https://youtu.be/AZqDO6cTYVY I knew I’d love the Netflix series Glow right from the off. As soon as I saw the trailer at the beginning of last Summer I couldn’t wait for it’s arrival. When this, seemingly, small show about women wrestlers in the 80’s did arrive I was not disappointed. Over the past year and a […]
The New Sixteen

At the time of writing this I am two weeks away from turning The Big Four Oh. At the time of you reading this however I am a mere five days away from turning forty. Five days away from a life changing birthday. Well, it doesn’t have to be life changing of course, but I’ve decided […]
Written on my face

{Jawline examples from 2009} The first time I ever heard about plastic surgery was in the early 90’s when I found a picture of Dolly Parton in one of my Saturday magazines. I was so fascinated by the picture that I cut it out and pinned it to my cork board. Dolly was dressed in […]
The Power of Book Club

I had always loved the idea of a book club but never actually wanted to be a part of one. Theoretically I liked the idea of being a member of a team gathering together to discuss my first true love ~ A good old fashioned book. But the reality of being told what to do […]
We can’t stop

When it comes to Miley Cyrus’ new video for her latest single Wrecking ball I will brazenly steal her lyrics from another tune and say We can’t stop and we won’t stop. Never did I think I would thieve Ms Cyrus’ lyrics let along watch one of videos on repeat but times they are a~changing and I […]