Same Old Same Old

{Top L-R ~ Walk of shame Moscow, Rennes, JacquesMus, Caron Callahan. Bottom L-R ~ Simone Rocha, Caron Carahan, Rejina Pyo, Rachel Comey}   I recently executed an enormous Instagram cull and un followed about 400 people. Big news I know but this needs to be discussed.  Like the majority of the world I found I […]

Girls who run my world

 Beyonce’s song Run the World starts with a clear statement of ‘WE run this Mother’. I believe her 100 per cent. She should have stopped there. Unfortunately the song carries on asking ‘WHO run the world?’ Had Queen B thought to ask me to co-write her number one hit, I would have told her very bluntly to lose the question mark and simply keep on telling us. Whether the mother she is referring to is […]