Hair today, Gone tomorrow

Make me bald. Seriously. All of me. Make every last inch of my body hairless so that I resemble a slippery seal. In fact, make everyone bald. Life would just be so much easier if none of us had hair. Anywhere. From where I am lying in my bed I can see a long strand […]

Time to pipe down and start doing something

{Joaquin Phoenix receiving the BAFTA for Best Male Actor}  I forlornly sat at a friends kitchen table and told her I had come to the realisation that women will never be equal in my lifetime. ‘Oh God, get used to it’ she replied bluntly ‘I worked that out ages ago’ The conversation took place around […]

Women’s rising anger

This October sees the one year anniversary of when I would say I became truly political. When I started to take a vested interest in decisions being made that would greatly impact what is important to me. Of course I was disappointed although not surprised by Brexit. Bewildered but then again not surprised by the […]

Things I’ve learnt…

Things I’ve learnt from my friends husband walking out on her and her three small children ~ Listen. At the beginning your number one job in this situation is to listen. Do not offer advice. You’re not a counsellor or a therapist, you weren’t in that marriage with them. She will 100% be getting conflicting […]

Stripping laid bare

I’ve been thinking a lot about strippers recently. Hear me out! I’ve started pole dancing. My current writing project involves a piece about a stripper. It’s a monologue that includes pole dancing and is hopefully going to be performed one day. Not by myself, I might add, as I’ve written a character who’s 28 years old. […]

The New Sixteen

At the time of writing this I am two weeks away from turning The Big Four Oh.  At the time of you reading this however I am a mere five days away from turning forty. Five days away from a life changing birthday. Well, it doesn’t have to be life changing of course, but I’ve decided […]

Raising Tiny

My niece looks like my brother. Sounds cute but she’s actually my sisters daughter. I’m not saying she’s currently resembling a nearly 42 year old man but, Tiny, as we like to call her, has the same heavy brow and cheeky smile that our brother possessed as a child. She also really looks like her […]

The Reeducation of Andrea Donovan

{clockwise from top left ~ Rupaul~Rupaul’s drag race, She’s gotta have it, Reni Eddo~ Lodge, Sasha Velour~Rupaul’s drag race. Dear White people, Orange is the new black, Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche, Underground}   The one good thing that came out of President T**** being elected is that we are all now WOKE. It pains me greatly […]

Rising of a new Mooncup

With the start of a new year comes a new moon and with a new moon comes the Mooncup. An incredibly tenuous, if not completely unrelatable, linking of January and a sanitary product but I’m sticking with it because I want to talk about the Mooncup. No, I NEED to talk about the Mooncup. First […]

The Power of Book Club

I had always loved the idea of a book club but never actually wanted to be a part of one. Theoretically I liked the idea of being a member of a team gathering together to discuss my first true love ~  A good old fashioned book. But the reality of being told what to do […]