A simple life

{CC & Me. NYC. My 39th birthday}                        Since he went into the jungle, in 2016, I have thought about Joel Dommett probably once every couple of months. There’s the obvious reasons ~ He’s easy on the eye. He owns an extremely enviable set of […]

Isolation Creations

               There is a Christmas wreath making workshop I went to, some years ago now, that I think about probably once a month. Run by a friend and along with three other friends we went in the hope of catching up with each other. We also thought we’d be […]

No nuptials necessary

Phoebe Luckhursts recent article, for the Evening Standard, questioned whether the classic Rom-Com had died a slow and saccharine death right before our very eyes. I am not ashamed to say that I have long been a fan of the Rom-Com. Predictable and dependable, there is nothing taxing on the brain when sitting through 2 hours of […]

Time to let go

             {Member’s of the Cambridge rowing team. James Cracknell second from the right} I text my friend Dan the other day with a link to a new comedy writing and performance course now available at the University we both attended. ‘Totes would have loved this!’ I wistfully exclaimed ‘Got another […]

What to do with all our stuff

Last weekend I went to Somerset to help my parents oldest friends clear out ninety three years worth of someone’s precious belongings. Attached to the side of Terry & Judy’s beautiful cottage, in a hamlet near Yeovil, is an annexe where Terry’s mum Joy lived. She recently passed away and I was heading down to […]

Raising Tiny

My niece looks like my brother. Sounds cute but she’s actually my sisters daughter. I’m not saying she’s currently resembling a nearly 42 year old man but, Tiny, as we like to call her, has the same heavy brow and cheeky smile that our brother possessed as a child. She also really looks like her […]

The fall and rise of Kevin Pearce

Having watched the documentary The Crash Reel by Lucy Walker three times in as many days I can safely say I am obsessed with it. When I sat down to watch it for the first time on Saturday I thought it would be another snowboarding video. Great footage, enviable fun, impressive camaraderie and an admirable […]