long lost love letter

I’ve accidently become someone I didn’t want to be, No, not Claire from Steps but a time waster. I told myself that I would be the type who would fill every day with something creative. I wouldn’t own a TV and while away hours with reality programmes. I wouldn’t spend days on the internet or […]
2012 personal highlights

When Caitlin Moran suggests I read something on twitter I jump to attention and do as she says: “@caitlinmoran: I’ve said it before but @EvaWiseman really has found a new trick to writing columns: Read Guardian article here“ Well I tripped over to read what Eva had to say and was very pleasantly surprised. When […]
you’ve got a friend

Nora Ephron died this week. Prematurely it seemed as well. Monday night saw twitter ablaze with ‘RIP Nora’, ‘So sad to hear about Nora Ephron’, ‘OMG ‘When Harry met Sally’ writer has died’ when in actual fact she hadn’t died then but held on until Tuesday morning. Mmmm sometimes there are downsides to this technoligcally advanced world we live in. In […]
dudes and chicks
I hate my iphone but I also love it…a lot. I hate it because I never put the bloody thing down. I read less, look out the window less, get less work done. But I love it because I get to hear about things that I wouldn’t necessarily read about or stumble across on MSN news. […]